News and Press

I write this in the middle of another rainstorm, many parts of the region already having had the average rainfall for a year causing extensive damage and disruption. Water is life and we at D&S have spent our entire existence providing water solutions but in excess it is extremely destructive and many have lost their houses and often livelihoods.

The present deluge is exceptional, certainly the heaviest in my memory and is this yet another sign of climate change that is affecting so much of the world? We clearly have an enormous responsibility to protect the environment!

As we approach the D&S mid-year as usual there are many initiatives that have been taken as we pursue the year's theme of 'Finding New Ways'. The most exciting has been the recent groundbreaking for the new Engineering Centre at Tatu, this being a priority project to provide a dedicated engineering facility for the Group that will greatly expand our technical capacity and we believe also be a national resource. The programme is to complete by mid next year.

There are also several other important developments in hand including a new head office and warehouse premises for D&S Tanzania at Mwenge, Dar-es-Salaam and a renovated office and store facility for D&S Zanzibar, both being necessary to accommodate their recent growth in business. Other branch developments include new premises in Gakiriro for D&S Rwanda and a new branch in Limuru, Kenya that will be opening in May. Also I mention the new Dayliff Forex Bureau, primarily a strategic initiative to manage the forex sourcing within the Group but also a facility that will be available to our partners and the general public. In addition to the many other promotional and training activities as usual D&S has not stood still!

I would also mention the important product introduction detailed elsewhere that has been conceptualised and executed by Pool Segment manager Stephen Muhia, the D&S manufactured floating chlorine dispenser branded 'Chlorfloat'. These products are economical and highly effective solutions for chlorine dosage in both swimming pool and water treatment applications and I commend Stephen for this excellent initiative.

Finally, I conclude with some very sad news, the sudden passing of D&S Uganda Finance Director Penny Mbabazi after a short illness. She was a particularly effective and valued member of the Uganda team and will be sorely missed by us all. My deepest condolences to her family